Thursday, July 21, 2005

July 21, 2005

Well..the girls are headed to Toledo later today...going to miss seeing them for a whole week. The house just isn't the same without them running around and giggling all the time. Going to be keeping myself busy with some painting projects and cleaning the garage a bit, so that will be cool to get done.

Have a big weekend planned though...Dave and Amanda are coming into town tomrrow evening to spend the weekend...planning on a zoo trip for them and spending some time with the whole gang at the Rib & Jazz fest this weekend. man i can't wait, as I missed last years event, so I'm really looking forward to the ribs this year.

Not much else going on...getting ready for a vendor meeting next week and then a 2 day training seminar on Wed & Thurs. Planning on some poker tonight over at Bishop's home game, so hopefully I can break my bad streak of live poker with a cash tonight....would make a nice start to the weekend and some more money to spend on ribs...mmmmmm....ribs.......

The weekend can't get here soon enough.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Frank Nagai Jr. said...

Got a link for the ribs and jazz fest? Where is it?

At 4:07 PM, Blogger MVilla888 said...

Fri through Sunday, behind Cosi.


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